Monday, April 6, 2009

Motorbike Time

WOW! we can now ride the bike. David has been pacing the floor.!! He wanted the snow to stop and melt away from the door so he could get the bike out. OH! my the snow has stopped, the snow in gone from in front of the door. Grab your helmet and sunglasses. We are gone!!! Bye!!!

David is so Lucky he rode the bike to work today. He is a happy HAPPY Man! He will ride as long as the weather keeps up. This summer we are going to enjoy the world from the bike. Every chance we get. LOVE TO RIDE!!!!

We were also sick this last week. We both went into the Urgent Care. The Doctor saw us both at the same time, quess what we have the same meds. His and hers Meds. Oh what fun it is. We share everything. LOVE that man.

If you can catch up with us, come join us on the road.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you get well soon! have fun on the bike! Be safe!
